Source: Chronicle (Tallahassee Democrat). The City of Tallahassee Commission has signed and put forth a Proclamation of Support for the open Leon County Solar Co-op. The solar co-op helps neighbors to save money and make going solar easier.
The co-op is open to all Leon County residents. Partners include Florida Conservation Voters Education Fund, League of Women Voters of Tallahassee, Rethink Energy Florida, Sustainable Tallahassee, Sierra Club Big Bend Group, and Solar United Neighbors of Florida.
The group is seeking participants and will host an information meeting Thursday, February 22, 6 p.m. at the Northeast Branch Library on Thomasville Road.
Leon County residents interested in joining the co-op can sign up at solarunitedneighbors.org/leon. Joining the co-op is not a commitment to purchase panels. Once the group is large enough, Solar United Neighbors of Florida will help the co-op solicit competitive bids from area solar installers.